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tv   The Reid Out  MSNBC  July 20, 2022 4:00pm-5:01pm PDT

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the attorney general of new york and many more. one panel including the one i'll be moderating on prison reform on the middle of the day's events on saturday, around 12:30 p.m. that's in manhattan. rsvp at "the beat" with ari link on your screen. thanks for watching "the beat." that does it for us. "the reidout" with joy reid is up next. for us. "the reidout" with joy reid is ♪♪ tonight on "the reidout" -- >> i mean, i saw friends with blood all over their faces. i was slipping in people's blood. it was carnage. it was chaos. never in my wildest dreams did i think that as a police officer, as a law enforcement officer i would find myself in the middle of a battle. >> the january 6th hearings began with chilling personal stories from the people caught in the middle of the
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insurrection. then we learned in great detail how trump himself caused it, all of it. tomorrow we'll watch the season finale when we will get the inside story of the 187 minutes donald trump spent reveling in the violence that he caused while doing nothing to stop it. that is what we begin tonight. over the last six weeks of these public hearings the january 6th committee has put forth an exhaustive record of not just just what happened on the day of the insurrection but everything leading up to it, spelling out the former president's scheme to sell the big lie, summon the mob and light the match of violence. they have accomplished that using live testimony from more than a dozen witnesses and recorded depositions from people who would know, republican former white house officials and members of the president's inner circle. his own legal team both in the white house and on the fringe all of whom paint a damning portrait of what the twice-impeached disgraced former president knew and when he knew
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it, and how he chose to act on it all the way up to what he's still doing now, even as these hearings unfold. here are many so of the key moments so far. >> i told them that the stuff that his people were shoveling out to the public was bullshit, that the claims of fraud were bullshit. >> a recent court filing by the department of justice explains that a confidential informant from the proud boys told the fbi that the proud boys would have killed mike pence if given a chance. >> do you know how it feels to have the president of the united states to target you? >> he responded very quickly and said essentially that's not what i'm asking you to do. what i'm just asking to you do is just say it was corrupt and leave the rest to me and the republican congressman. >> i heard the president say something to the effect i don't care that they have weapons. they are not here to hurt me. take the f'ing mags away. let me people in away. >> he was described as being
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irate. the president said something to the effect of i'm the f'ing president. take me up to the capitol now. >> can the federal government seize voting machines? that's a terrible idea for the country. >> why did you decide to march to the capitol? >> well, basically, you know, the president, you know, got everybody riled up. >> after our last hearing president trump tried to call a witness in our investigation, a witness you have not yet seen in these hearings. >> tomorrow's primetime hearing will focus on the former president's final choice, to do nothing on the 6th as the mob descended directly on the capitol. we'll hear about those seemingly endless 187 minutes from two former white house officials, deputy white house press secretary sarah matthews and depp think national security adviser matthew pottinger, both who resigned after the violence, and while it promises to be a blockbuster with all of the new findings the committee may not
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be nearly done, pursuing multiple new avenues of inquiry created by the investigation. they are also these lingering questions about what kind of criminal referrals the committee could put forward to the justice department, though committee vice chair liz cheney has repeatedly suggested that there could be multiple referrals, she also added that the doj does not need to wait for a formal recommendation to act. one of my next guests has already made some suggestions for merrick garland in that regard andrew wiseman says they should rethink their a. joining me is the former fbi job counsel and a senior special of robert mueller's legal team and president and ceo of the leadership conference for human rights. thanks for being here.
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andrew, i want to start with you on potential charges because based on what we've heard so far. i want you to go through and correct the record and seems what seems viable potentially for legal liability for the former president, obstructing an official proceeding, conspiracy to defraud the united states, seditious conspiracy, which we've seen the proud boys and oath keepers charged with and witness tampering. where is the potential liability just based on what we've heard so far? >> so that is a great list of potential charges, and i think at the outset your summary of highlights makes it really clear that the next thing that we all have to keep our eye on is frankly not tomorrow night, it is doj, because the hearings will go away, and it is true that there is a political consequence as a result of those hearings, but whether there will be a legal cons sequence whether doj rises to the occasion. now we have heard from merrick
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garland today and we heard from lisa monaco, the dag yesterday, and they seem to be signaling something slightly different in terms what have they are doing speaking of a broader mandate, for instance, but i think the real issue is are they going to rise to the occasion? what i wrote about was that you can't just say we're going to look at the people who attacked the capitol and do a bottom-up investigation. that will take forever, and it is not clear that you will actually get past the people who were not actually at the capitol, and one thing that the hearing has clearly shown is that this was an orchestrated conspiracy by the former president of the united states. it involved georgia. it involved other state. it involved mike pence. it involved a crazy scheme to have a special counsel in sidney powell that was shot down and involved a scheme to behead the
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former head of the justice department, not literally, but figuratively to put in a crony. i mean, there were all these different aspects and the justice department needs to open on all of that and really think about what was the former president up to, but i think that's really where our eyes are going to need to turn after tomorrow night. >> yeah. i mean, the department of justice, they say the right things, this is what they said today to the point that you made, you know, quote, we are going to continue to do our job, follow the facts wherever they go and no matter what level. this is what lisa monaco said. we'll continue to investigate what fundamentally attacked our democracy. yes, the conspiracy was complex. it spread across the country, but it was also kind of simple. it was kind of trying to re-run the scheme that roger stone had in his mind back in the year 2000 which is to say, hey. if there's an objection to these electors maybe the certification
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of the electors won't go through, an if you can just find a way to pressure mike pence to say, fine, i'll dismiss those electors and use these fake ones instead, voila, there is no certification of the election, suddenly there's enough chaos that maybe congress can then do it through voting, you know, just through the congress. it all boiled down to staying in power and the only person that that benefits is donald trump, so it is hard to get through this conspiracy as complex as the pieces were and leave him out, so i think that's why a lot of people are scratching their heads wondering to andrew wiseman's point why they are focusing so much on giving 15 and 18-month sentences to the brutes, know, beating up on police officers and trying to kill them in some cases or maybe potentially could have killed them with their actions i should say and not going to the guy who would have benefited. >> so i love andrew's hub and spoke analogy because what we're
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looking at, exactly to your point, joy, is the hub is donald trump because all of these things radiating out to your point is all -- it's not just that it benefits him directly, which it clearly does. it's that he's directly and personally involved. i mean, the most damning parts of the story that i think the january 6th committee has laid out elegantly is that you see donald trump as the central figure in the conversations witnesses are describing where he is simply looking for the person or people who are going to give him the answers he wants, and that's why you have different spokes and different levels of complexity and facts, but the story is very simple. he is looking for his pack to stay in power, and he will listen to whoever is going to give him that path, even when he's been told it's not lawful
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for one. that is staggering, and i would just add to andrew's point about other places to look because there's also georgia. there's also the grand jury that's empanelled there, because as we also have heard both in the january 6th committee but also from the first smoking gun, real public smoking gun we had in this case, was the audio recording of donald trump personally calling the state attorney general of georgia and saying find me that extra vote. find me, just get me one more. it's -- it's kind of a shock in a way to see that a district attorney in a state seeing that kind of smoking gun opens the investigation and our own department of justice having the same smoking guns, including that one, does not. >> by the way, is fake electors out of georgia are now targets of the investigation, not witnesses. that's very significant, and andrew to that very point he's
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still doing it. it's not as if trump stopped doing it. this is the wisconsin assembly speaker talking about a call with donald trump that's recent. let me play it. >> when is the last time you talked to the former president, president trump? >> within the last week. >> within the last week? >> yeah. >> before or after he tweeted? >> before. >> what was that conversation like? >> it's one of those, it's very consistent. he makes his case which i respect. he would like us to do something different in wisconsin. i explained that it's not allowed understand the constitution. he has a different opinion and then he put the tweet out so that's it. >> he wants wisconsin to rescind its election results now, in the summer of 2022, andrew. >> so if you're at the department of justice, you should be, you know, collecting all of these admissions. these are admissions that you think how do you prove a criminal case you? don't have a defendant here who is coming up with a defense. these are all yup, that's what i
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did, so, you know, this issue that this is a wide-ranging and complex case, i actually disagree. yes, there are a lot of witnesses, but the scheme is simple and there are a lot of people tonight view, but, know, hats off to the january 6th committee. we have seen essentially a criminal investigation playing out. yes, there's more that you would do in a criminal investigation, but they have done a remarkable job of piecing together sort of the disparate aspects of this and showing the single overarching plan by the former president, and i really do think we're going to see more of that tomorrow night, but then we really should be counting on our department of justice to, you know, fulfill its job. >> absolutely, and i should say roger stone and eastman saying
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here's a way to change the election results. >> maya, the last question to you, you do have some senators that are trying to do things with the electoral count act. there's an attempt to sort have a political response to it, and i think, you know, that this is an idea that they would adjust the electoral count act and things like that, but the challenge is that if every institution is waiting for a different institution to fix this, then we're in danger in 2024. if the justice department is saying, well, there will be a political solution if the senate fixes it somehow and we don't know if that will happen or saying georgia will deal with the illegality of what donald trump did, it worries me that then people lose faith that the justice department can do anything because if plotting a coup ain't illegal then nothing is illegal. >> well, let me just say we need every organ of our government, every institution, to do its job. we do need congress to act and we need it to act on the electoral counts act and we also need it to act in a way that
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includes in the electoral count act ways to make it easier for people to vote without discrimination because that is another piece of the story, georgia being a great example with a law right now on the books that says that now a -- a party -- a statehouse dominated by one party can decide it's not the state -- it's not the secretary of state who can decide what the final vote count is. it can be a partisan political body. that's very dangerous. >> yeah. >> but the other thing i would say to your point is exactly the same thing you is note a both and. you need legislative and you also need accountability, including criminal accountability. >> okay. >> that needs to be investigated. >> in the end this it was not a crime against a government. it was a crime to rob 80 million people of their votes. it was a robbery against the people of the united states who had made an electoral decision,
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and the next step is to rob us all of our votes and simply install who one party decides is going to be president. thank you both very much. up next, new details on warnings received by the secret service to protect their text messages. oh, but they deleted them anyway. "the reidout" continues after this. , but they deleted the they fit perfectly in the places they're supposed to. look how much it holds, and it still stays thin! it's the protection we deserve! ♪♪ ♪♪ anyway "the reidout" continues after this ♪♪ "shake your thang" by salt n pepa waxed. natural. sensitive. new dove ultimate antiperspirant. our unique water based formula and 6x more glycerin. helps restore skin to its best condition. new dove ultimate.
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welcome to the fastest internet on the largest gig speed network. are you crying uncle ed? no! a little. only from xfinity. unbeatable internet made to do anything so you can do anything. >> one thing that will be missing from tomorrow's january 6th hearing will be any revelations from the text messages exchanged from secret
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service agents on the day before and the day of the insurrection. the agency claims information was accidentally purged as part of a planned sis seminary set, but nbc news has learned that secret service employees were sent not one, not two but three e-mails reminding them to preserve their texts, but, of course, not did that happen. only a single text conversation was handed over to the january 6th committee. they say the apparent purge of the text messages appears to have been contrary to federal record retention requirements and may represent a possible violation of the federal records act. according to "washington post" reporter carol lennig who has done extensive reporting on the secret service this may have been more than a case of simple incompetence. >> we don't know whether or not this was just a stupid screwup or something a little more intentional. we don't know and, again, i won't speculate but it's clear
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to me that senior leadership and several -- and i'm not talking like half, i'm talking about the majority of president trump's detail, were in the tank for him. i have seen numerous texts, social media postings by members of the president's protective detail in which they were essentially cheering on the insurrectionists on january 6th. >> joining me now is hugo lowell, congressional reporter for "the guardian" and again kirschner former federal prosecutor and msnbc legal analyst. hugo i'm going to you on this. that is shocking, maybe not so surprising hearing carol leoning's reporting that you had a lot of maga inside the secret service details. any reporting on whether or not people might not have about so maga as to be willing to deep six text messages. >> i spoke to a member of the january 6th committee today, and the way it was described to me
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the committee thinks that stinks, and they think it stinks because if you look at the timeline there's no really other way to get to any other conclusion. the insurrection happened on january 6th and then congress requested those records on january 16. that's step days later, right? like device replacement didn't happen until january 27, and two days before that replacement program went into effect they got an email reminding them to back up their data, so the idea that they weren't on notice that there was a pending congressional investigation, the idea that they weren't on notice by their own agency to back these messages up and yet they went forward and just decided not to keep these records, and when they stopped the phones out it all got purged. the committee takes this very seriously and the committee thinks there's some sort of malfeasance. >> glen, the federal records act, violating that law, there would in fact be consequences for that, but since they can't
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find these record, you can't really reconstruct what the texts might have said, how would this each be approached potentially if there were violations of the law here? >> well, one way you can try to recreate what those text messages said is to put everybody under subpoena. place them under oath and ask them, for example, when you were in the basement of the capitol in the loading dock trying to urge the vice president to get into the car and he said what representative raskin said were the six most chilling word. i'm not getting in the car, what did you communicate to your fellow secret service agents? i mean, put them under oath and sweat them. you know, look, at this point, joy, let's call it what it is. they were asked to preserve texts and they deleted them. that to me feels like what we call adequate predication, a fancy term for enough evidence
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to open a criminal probe. if the soak seek did nothing wrong, then they should welcome an fbi investigation into something that really looks nefarious? you know, hugo, you know, the -- the director of the secret service, his names is james murray, a political appointee of donald trump, a career man, secret service map, but he already did something really unusual, and that is to allow tony ornato from going to be a secret service agent on detail to having a rather senior white house job. that does not happen. that is not normal, so there were already abnormal things going on in terms of the merger of secret service and politics which is supposed to be forbidden. they defend and protect any president from either party so there's already enough unusualness here that i wonder if the committee might be digging further into this as an avenue of inquiry. for hugo.
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i'm not sure if hugo can hear me. hugo has frozen. let me go back to you -- >> if hugo comes back he'll wave his hand at our producers and he'll get back in. while i have you, glen, i'll go to something else. let me go to steve ban no. speaking of people who don't have much respect for the law. this guy thought i don't have to do the speech arksz in the trump world. here ease him recently during his trial. >> for them to sit there and try to get a complete hearing and they won't spring in any testimony, any testimony about fbi involvement, any testimony about dhs involvement, any testimony about any other involvement and what's driving this. the total and complete illegitimacy of joe biden. trump won. joe biden is illegitimate. >> he obviously thinks that doing that outside the courtroom has some impact on what the judge is doing inside. that seems like an idiotic notion. >> yeah. here we go, joy. i think one thing that can
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actually bring all americans together, i think we can all agree. steve bannon loves to run his mouth. he runs his mouth on a podcast. he runs his mouth. i've been in the courtroom every day. he runs his mouth outside the courthouse every day. he's trolling bennie thompson. he's trolling anthony fauci. he is spewing all of this nonsense into the public square. guess what, tomorrow is his big day. tomorrow the defense case opens. he gets to take the stand, and he gets to run his mouth under oath and then he has to withstand cross-examination by a prosecutor, assistance united states attorney amanda vaughn together with her trial partner has done a remarkable job of presenting the evidence of steve bannon's guilt so let's see if he is brave enough to take the stand and run his mouth when it really counts. i'm saying the smart money is running on steve bannon continuing to sit quietly in court like a bump on a log and
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say nothing. >> yeah, and i will note that rudy giuliani will have his day in court coming up next month. he's been ordered to testify before that fulton county grand jury in georgia. event hi the law does catch up with you. i want to think you, glen. i want to thank hugo lowell. we had him back just for a minute to say good-bye to hugo lowell. appreciate you both. coming up next, president biden unveils new initiatives salvaging his climate agenda and stopped short of declaring a climate emergency, at least for now. we'll explain all of that when we come back. at least for now. we'll explai wealth is shutting down the office for mike's retirement party. worth is giving the employee who spent half his life with you, the party of a lifetime. we come back worth is watching your employees grow with it. ♪ ♪
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>> there has to be decisive climate action. that means trust, multi-lateral research and collaboration. we have a choice, collective action or collective suicide. >> that was the dire warning from u.n. secretary-general antonio gutierrez to countries around the globe as the world is plunged into the realities of the upgoing climate emergency. yesterday britain recorded its highest temperature ever, 104.5 degrees fahrenheit. it's part of a mavis heat wave blanketing most of europe, leaving death and destruction in its wake. hot, dry weather has triggered wildfires in portugal, france, greece and spain just to name a future. here in the u.s., 100 million americans, a third of the country, are under a heat warning that stretches from california to new hampshire. the worst of it is set to ravage the southern plains and lower mississippi valley. yesterday oklahoma city hit a
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high of 110 degrees for the first time in a decade n.northwestern text yeah, fort worth and dallas hit 110 and 109 degrees respectively. today south of boston in sweltering 90-degree heat president biden announced a set of executive actions on climate change after republicans aided by west virginia senator joe manchin who happens to be in the family coal business and a huge recipient of fossil fuel campaign donations have repeatedly killed any serious attempt to address this crisis and biden seemed to foreshadow future steps. >> climate change is an emergency, and in the coming weeks i'm going to use the power i have as president to turn these words into formal official government actions. >> joining me now is michael regan, administrator of the environmental protection agency. you look too young to be doing that job, but we're going to go ahead and ask you some questions because, look, for a lot of people, biden's -- president
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biden stopping short of saying this is a climate emergency when literally part of europe is on fire and the u.s. is baking it fell short of what he could have done. he was there in boston with ed markey, elizabeth warren and sheldon whitehouse, all of whom wanted him to declare a national emergency and use the national emergencies act. why didn't he do that? >> joy, thank you for having me. i think the president is showing leadership. he showed up today and he made some executive announcements, announcements that will shore up resources for people facing drought, low-income areas that need access to cooling centers and talking about offshore wind potential. we didn't take any options off the tampa bay and as he announced over the coming weeks he'll continue to evaluate and look at all of the actions that he can take. one of the things that he said was if congress doesn't act, he also, and the president is not taking no for an answer. >> now, if he had done on national emergency, he could
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have tapped into money to free up some money to curb climate emissions and could have boosted renewables, manufacturing, you know, stopped some offshore drill. there's more he could have done. is the idea here to save that for part two and to try to do what he can now without that because we know the supreme court has limited the powers of the epa somewhat with the recent ruling. is that the concern that if he pushed it it could push more retractions of the epa power? >> i think the president has been acting since day up. he's instructed his entire cabinet to focus on climate. i've been having conversations with secretaries of dod, interior, agriculture and we've been moving since day one. the president is evaluating very clearly all of his options, and i believe that he is moving forward. he said today, he was very firm, that climate change is an emergency, and he said in coming weeks he will continue to take action so i wouldn't take anything off the table. >> okay.
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give me some specifics. what is going to be done? >> let me say what i've been doing at epa. we focused on some of the biggest climate pollution sources in this country. number one, we have proposed and finalized a rule, the most stringent rule for cars and trucks in united states history. we have proposed the most stringent rule for reducing climate pollution from the oil and gas sector methane. we are laser focused on the power sector. i am deeply disappointed in the decision of the supreme court, but let's be clear. the supreme court did not take epa out of the game. we know that we have the authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions. the supreme court's ruling does constrain us, but it's not about whether epa can to it. it's how quickly we can do -- the market quite frankly has already it needs to be done. >> it's difficult to imagine having to do that while also still wanting more oil row dubs and oil imports. is there going to be a shift at some point to say let's take it seriously and reduce our use of
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oil? >> i think it's an all of the above approach. i think the president has really focused on number one we are facing a global crisis with this unprovoked war from ukraine. at the same time the president has said let's look at all of our options. carbon capture and sequestration, the reduction of our dependency on fossil fuels, the infusion of clean energy and the market potential that clean energy possesses, so i think the president is doing a good job of walking and chewing gun at the same time. we didn't get in this mess overnight. we're not going to get out overnight so i believe what you're seeing is a good steady transition in a way that doesn't jeopardize our national security and our ability to be globally competitive. >> michael regan, epa administrator, thank you very much. really appreciate you being here. >> thank you so much. >> please come back. >> i will. >> let's bring in david wallace wells, columnist for "the new york times magazine" and author of "uninhabitable earth, life after warming," a subtle title
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there. tell me what you think is going to be done and what needs to be done? >> we're start off with a really bad american baseline of bad american leadership here. they have rolled their eyes of rhetorical commitments from american presidents and see how little the country actually did. that's where we're coming, from with the failure of build back better and the follow-up compromises that were proposed most of the sober-minded analysts that i know think that the u.s. is going to fail to fulfill 91% of joe biden's climate pledges so the announcements today are useful, useful for protecting some vulnerable communities, but they are not going to move the need israel nearly as dramatically as a large-scale spending project like that bill would have done which means we're still going to be in that same position. the rest of the world is going to be moving quickly and we're going to be suffering. it's frankly an embarrassing place for the world to be and according to historical
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emissions it still cooked the planet, we're by far the biggest emitter we means we have the biggest responsibility to move the most quickly and we're moved compared to our peers very slowly. >> it's us, the russians, the saudis who are the top producers of oil. >> right. >> and we seem to be the most captive. europe is in many ways captive to oil, russian oil specifically, but they are making some very painful choices about trying to use less, but it -- how do we get out of this sort of, you know, trap where oil, coal and gas producers essentially own many of our united states senators and they won't let them do anything about it and you have at least one senator in the business himself. >> the market is actually moving in the rights direction, it just needs regulations to follow and structure that transition. you know, 90% of the world in
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places where fossil fuels are more expensive than renewables, the united states can take advantage of this because we have so much land and wind and solar capacity and we should be moving quickly. the money is there, the investments are there. the government and regulations aren't there to support the transition so it's moving slower than it could be otherwise and that's a tragedy of our political economy which is as stalled on this as it has stalled on many other things. i think it's easy toe say our system is broken when it comes to fossil fuels, that's a fair statement. but the truth is our system is broken on a lot of things that we need and this is just one of the many. >> absolutely. we sometimes say scaring is caring on this program. give us the worst case scenario because i read a piece in britain that they projected that getting to like 120 degrees would be 20 years away. it's happening now. it's accelerating. the climate catastrophe is getting worse faster. how bad could this get?
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it's not just heat. it's a lot more than that. >> the uk weather office put up this worst case scenario for 20950 map and this year they hit the same temperature targets and what's even more remarkable is the french weather service did the same thing a couple years ago and they hit the temperature targets this year, not during the same heat wave but a month ago which means europe has aft charts extreme weather events twice already this year. worst case scenarios are looking less likely the way they did a few years ago because the world is moving rapidly to transition off of fossil fuels and we're talking about three degrees of warming a century and that means hundreds of additional people dying from air pugs and burning of fossil fuels. flooding events that hit once a century will hit once a here and extreme heating events in the northern hemisphere will be once a decade or even more often than that. >> absolutely. as places become indiana habitable will be freaked out
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they bring and the republicans who continue to line their pockets with nra money even as civilians die. but there's also the culture around guns created by a bizarre interpretation of the second amendment which tends to completely ignored the words well-regulated. we we are a country with the highest gun ownership per capita in the world and that unfortunate statistic does not flourish in a vacuum, like most things in america it all boils down to marketing pumped out by gun manufacturers and the nra. how guns are marketed to kids. there is now an ar-15jr-15 or junior 15 designed for teeny tiny hands. here's wee one tactical's eric schmidt profiling the gun. >> and what we released here is the jr-15. it's lighter. it's safer, and it's smaller, so what we have here is a scaled-down 20%, scaled down 22 long rifle that looks and feels
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and operates just like mom or dad's gun. >> clarification, just like mom or dad's weapon of war. wee ones logos are cartoon child schultz with pass fires. keep in mind, the joe camel cartoon character was forced out of ads given its potential for enticing kids to smoke. but cartoons seem to flourish in the gun market. the nra is cartoon eddie eagle program which they say is about gun safety is really, it's a kids show about guns. kids also get to meet eddie eagle at nra youth days where the association provides all sorts of shooting fun for the fam. days before the uvalde massacre daniel defense, a rifle used in shooting, posted this ad on social media featuring a toddler holding a similar we op and who can forget the florida high school that raffled off guns for a fund-raising campaign. even nerve guns look like assault weapons for kids who
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wish to lease a 50-dart storm at the playground. guns are intrinsically tied to mass clint, so-called patriotism that's more about militarism and power and these associations are cultivated over many years, romanticized, normalized from a very young age so that this perverse culture thrives. it's the culture, too, not just the lax gun laws that allows someone to shoot 82 rounds into a crowd with ease. that's what happened in high lapd park, illinois on the fourth of july. the highland park mayor testified today and offered the sobering reminder that young people aren't just the shooters but the victims, and she joins me next. stay with us. e victims, andand . zevo. people-friendly. bug-deadly.
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me next. stay with us that day, several officers in the hallway or in that building new, or should have known that there would be dying in that classroom. they should've done more, and acted with urgency. they should've tried the door handles, going through the windows, distract him. try to do something to address the situation. in fairness, there were many officers at that scene who either did you or denied access to the building, we are told in front misinformation, and some were even told false information. some were told that the police chief of the consolidated
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independent school district was actually inside of the room actively negotiating with the shooter. such that they did not know what was happening. they did not have the opportunity to do that. that is not where the analysis stops. everybody that came on the scene talked about this being chaotic. the training suggests that chaos should not happen. inside the school, there should be a tactical commander, somebody that is taking a lead on dealing with the action in the hallway. there should also be an overall commander, somebody who is an overall commander, flowing information, making sure everybody knows what is going on. the fact that there was no overall commander inside of the building, where there should have been one,, should've been known by many. at a minimum, there was multiple opportunities depending on the relative training and experience of law
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enforcement officers to at least ask more questions. or often then guidance, to try to remedy the chaotic situation, and make sure there was affective overall command. there was a lack of effective overall command that day. >> multiple systemic failures, our court does not look at other comments that have been made to try and compare or contrast, but we laid out the basic facts as we were charged with to do. and when i said early on about law enforcement, the officers who knew, or should have known that this wasn't an active shooter situation by their training, they should've done more. we were very clear on that. not every officer on the scene this is xfinity rewards. our way of showing our appreciation. with rewards of all shapes and sizes. [ cheers ] are we actually going? yes!!
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and once in a lifetime moments. two tickets to nascar! yes! find rewards like these and so many more in the xfinity app. that has been laid out. we know that we didn't have that here, and you're asking why that information was told the way that it was. who knew what, and when. the failure to have an incident commander on the scene to receive information, and to communicate with the media, i
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believe in part lead to the information that was reported inaccurately. >> representative moody? >> just a dark tale on that. the question is looking at how information flow went post the incident. there is a section in the report about information flow, and how we believe that as a combat upon line forsman, as they made reports. to report what is verifiable, understand what is verifiable and not verifiable. when the chairman talks about multiple systemic failures, one of those is the handling of information in this investigation. that's why it's in the report in that section. >> two things in the report, we go through great pains to set what's actually the context of that statement related to the evacuation, and when you read it all together, i'll do that. let me address the key.
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this is very important, and there've been a lot of questions, the statements for -- -- >> match leaders in your manifesto. the cedar in el paso, -- those guns are coming from the united states of america. they are not from mexico, sir, you are perpetuating violence, to stop these things now. >> the reality is, illinois is textbook cases of this.
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this was coming from america. in chicago, those guns come in from indiana. it's hard for me to understand how people do not understand the kinds of assault weapons that people get their hands on. >> and so we banned assault weapons and high capacity magazines in my city nine years ago, and we know that illinois is looking at similar legislation, and we appreciate that resolution. we are only protected as the weakest gun laws in the surrounding states. we're only going to be safe or this is a federal initiative, to get these combat weapons out of our communities. >> the kinds of young when, yes very similar demographics, are buying these weapons. i want to show you some of the ideas, and the way they're being marketed. these weapons, the long guns. this is daniel defense. they have things like santa
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claus, there is a santa claus, with guns wrapped up in christmas paper. and they are marketing these weapons, to younger and younger people. i have the sort of action oriented, it looks like a lie video game on their instagram. they're actually triggering people who are very similar, and some of them went out being mass shooters. >> it's unbelievable to me is that we know in the rest of the world that there are people intrigued by this kind of thing. what's the difference? they can't get their hands on these weapons. that was another point that was made repeatedly today by the republicans, which was what about mental health? we all want to put resources towards solving mental health challenges. what about this, what about that? stop with the white about, and get this done. let's get these weapons off of the streets. then we can talk about what is differentiating us as a country, but right now it is so clear that it is these weapons and the accessibility to getting them. >> let me ask you how your
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community is doing. what you all went through was shocking, and it makes little kids say that they don't want to go to a parade. >> it also makes little kids afraid to leave their homes, and makes parents worried about going back to school in a month. this is going to be a very long journey for a lot of us. we had counselors that are high school who were seeing over 1200 people a day, and we know that this is not going to stop in a week. it's going to be forever first lots of people. we are strong and supportive of each other, and we are so appreciative of the incredible work being done by our police departments, they were amazing. the fire departments, the volunteers. and so we are in the process of transitioning to, how do we take a step forward? >> what can we do? there's a mess there outside of the community, they feel so helpless in a lot of ways. the united states is not going to pass a assault weapon ban. they can debate, it is not going to go through. is there something short of
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that the think americans should be doing? is it really just marshaling to vote in november, to get a different senate. >> to that point, absolutely. i think there's folks that are not doing their jobs. let's talk about people going into government, to protect the public. to serve the public. if you can't serve the public by changing the very law is that people have been using to get their hands on these guns, you need to get voted out. >> especially if -- do you think, because of uvalde, what's the charges are to do something that they don't want to do. nancy, thank you very much. we really appreciate you being here. highland park mayor nancy rotering, thank you. before we go tonight, i have to say one other thing. today is the second adversary of the readout, which is launched two years ago tonight. huge thank you to our amazing staff, and most especially to our fabulous, loyal viewers, we love you. here's tim anymore. that is tonight's read out. we start to join us tomorrow night at 7 pm, because we have special coverage of the prime time january 6th hearing, it is
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going to be, at least what we think, quite impactful, and potentially quite spectacular. please turn, it's going to be -- but for now, stay right there because all in with chris hayes starts right now. >> tonight on all in. >> this is the most wide ranging investigation and the most important investigation with the justice department has ever endured. >> the justice department speaks out as january six hearing report turned to prime time and a disgraced ex president who fermented a crew, continues to form and crew. >> he would like us to do something different, and i explained is not allowed out of the constitution. >> tonight, what we are hearing about tomorrow's hearing from someone who was inside the trump white house. >> then, the former deputy
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assistant director of the secret service on why he suspec mic


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